It is difficult to say what exactly lifted Ivan Nikolaevich – whether the visual power of his talent or a complete stranger with the question that he was going to write, but Jesus in his image turned out to be completely alive, although not attracting a character.
M. A. Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita"
At one time, the adventures of the brave mercenary, insert-wa-and-face in Antalor, were remembered by the players of a beautiful picture for their time, a good design and elaboration of the surrounding world. And also-a breathtaking number of bugs of all-ore shift, terribly set dialogues and the complete absence of anything resembling a balance. However, since then a lot of water has already flowed. Is it a joke, even in our world almost three years have passed, and even in Two Worlds , Read, all five.
Prince Antalorsky
Changes in Antalor are really a lot. However, the brave mercenary insert,-there could not be seen this. In the end, all this time he spent not somewhere at the resort, but in dungeons under the castle of Emperor Gandohar.
Historical certificate: Those playing in the first part undoubtedly remember that Gandohar called a sorcerer with an innate talent for intrigue, but mediocre magical talents. The first part of the "two worlds" he cherished the insidious plans for the revival of the ancient god of Aziral Fire. The container for the reference deity was to become the body of the sister of the protagonist – Kira, that the hero himself did not suit in any way.
Despite the fact that there were two ends in the “two worlds”, the beginning of the second part is exactly one, bad. Gandohar plans were successfully implemented. The former sorcerer proclaimed himself the emperor and comfortably settled on the throne in the table city of Hatmandor. Aziraal was no less conveniently attached to the body of Kira, and our hero naturally hit Zindan.
But the successes of the woe-vlastelin ended on this. The wayward deity flatly refused to cooperate and share his power with some miserable mortal and tried to break out of control with a simple and understandable goal-to burn the entire antalor to such and such a grandmother. The emperor’s headache resulted in the pain of the bodily protagonist, since it was from him that the sorcerer began to pump strength to hold Aziral in the body of Kira.
From the forced role of the magic battery of the former mercenary, the same Sonder Comfort … Orcs saved! Green guys dashingly deal with the protection and help the hero run – in exchange for the active participation of the latter in the overthrow of the self -proclaimed emperor. There is nowhere to go to our protege – where is Gandohar, there is Kira, and the main character does not intend to throw his sister in captivity, and even obsessed with the ancient god. Thus begin the new adventures of the old protagonist.
Talented in everything
For five years, the brave mercenary insert, the dog-dog has changed beyond recognition in the most literal sense. The dungeon of Gandohara worked better than any beauty salon – the hero was younger and buried, his movements became much smoother, his face reached a new stage of detail, and his hair stopped shaking on wooden chips. And well, well, it does not at all reminds the citizen for whom we played in the first part.
This is interesting: Those to whom this citizen for some reason was dear can be slightly upset, because there is no speech about any import of a hero. But this is more than compensated by the new editor of the characters, which has become a little more complicated in use, but it gives out quite sane persons.
A long sitting in the dungeons and the complete lack of training did their job – a great fighter (a well -aimed shooter, a wise magician, or who are you there?) again rolled up to the level of a green newcomer, who at first does not master either a heavy sword to raise or tend to pull on a bow. But soon he will learn to sneak up to enemies and cut their throats, disassemble and improve weapons and armor, make long spells with a bunch of effects from the workpieces, cook all kinds of potions … In general, he will learn a lot of things. All this is achieved by studying and improving the appropriate skills.
This is interesting: And the hero knows how to play musical instruments – from the drum to the guitar. No skills need to be taught, only notes and the tool itself are needed. The performance of music is a mini-game similar to a strongly simplified Guitar Hero. Coins from passers -by are laid for well -played songs.
Unlike the first part, where the useful abilities were one or two, and here is the most skills very much to the place. There are no clearly specified classes in the game, each character can study the skills of any of the six groups – close battle, small arms, magic, theft, crafts and general physical training. However, to create a master of all hands will not allow the limitation of the maximum level of skills, depending on the physical characteristics of the character. Low accuracy will put a cross on attempts to develop rifle talents, and the weak -willed character will not be a magician or an alchemist.
Fortunately, the developers abandoned the old handicraft system – mysteriously “glue” two identical weapons in the third, more powerful, the hero stopped. Instead, he can disassemble the weapon into the components: separately glands, separately wood, in one stream skin, in the other – rags, and so on. All this recyclable can be used to improve other items.
This is weird: as from a sword, sticks and six pieces of scrap metal, the hero receives a sharper sword – a mystery. However, compared to what was before, this is undoubted progress.
A similar scheme is observed with spells and alchemy. To compose spells, you need a magic amulet in which you can place from two to seven scrolls with spells, and to hang a bunch of card modifiers for each of them. With a certain dexterity, you can, for example, create a fiery ball, which during the explosion will treat the protagonist and call on the enemy head of skeletons.
The potions system does not at all require much tension of thought. We take the ingredients, mix them in an alchemical boiler, look at what happened. The benefit of various ingredients in Antalor is scattered – just know the potions mix.
And new skates in addition
Unlike the first part of the game with its dozens, it is not clear how different cities and sat down from each other, here you can’t get through vivid impressions of each corner of the game world. Alsorn, a flowering and practically uninhabited island, with all the desire not to confuse with Hatmandor – the seething focus of civilization in the center of the desert. The cursed village locked in the swamps will cause a tear of nostalgia among fans of Quest for Glory – as, however, the villages of horse -drawn in the savannah. But there were no races on horses in QFG. And here is.
This is interesting: The hero also forgot how to fight. And thank God, because before he did it from his hands badly. Now the horse is only a vehicle on the savannah. Together with equestrian battles, they went into oblivion and almost all bugs associated with riding.
Extensive sea spaces were added to the game. Unfortunately, the voyage on the boat is not far from riding from the first part. In the sense that it is very inconvenient to control the craft and almost never needs.
Alas, all praise concern only open spaces. And most of the dungeons here can be represented in the form of a straight line. From the fact that in the game this line is twisted with all kinds of loops, neither branches, nor options for passing in it will not increase. And if you see a locked door, then there is either a lever or a small bypass nearby, usually a couple of meters with a length. But all the dungeons are long and stuffed with monsters, with this order here. And also rich in similar areas – what can be done, not manual work, the dungeons here were compiled from several types of typical blocks. And in such dungeons about a third of the game will be held.
Enemies pleasantly surprise the worked out intelligence. Except for periodic traffic jams in narrow passages, there is really nothing to complain about. Different monsters behave differently. For example, stupid zombies in the swamps rod to the player straight, and as soon as water will fall in the way – they will wander along the bottom. Small, but very painfully biting werewolves move exclusively jumping and loop so that mom do not grieve. Each monster has its own vulnerabilities and weaknesses, having studied which you will beat them much more efficiently.
This is important: The information about the resistance of monsters to this or that type of damage is always worth looking at especially carefully. And always carry a spare weapon or keep spells of several different schools of magic. Living statues can be sawed with a sword of good half an hour, but they instantly scatter from a pair of blows with a good club. And the woody golem generally looks at the hero who has not stored with a torch or fiery arrows, exclusively as fertilizer.
“Two worlds 2” boast of excellent plot branches and original texts of tasks, but the quests themselves are almost always reduced to one of the three options: “Come there, bring the subject”, “Go there, kill everyone” or “go there, talk with someone ". In most cases – with the post "And at the same time overdoing all enemies in your path".
You can't get lost on the way, even if you try very much. His Majesty Marker will carefully indicate the position of the current goal on the map with an accuracy of a meter. It will not work to travel around the world either – all the places in which the hero is still early, carefully covered with doors with not opened red locks.
Milods soldiers
The linearity of the dungeons turns into dignity when it comes to a network game. A group of mercenaries with geek and dangling tramples enemies on the floor and rims into the walls. Tanks fighters menacingly marching ahead of the party, blocking the passages. And archers and magicians who have no need to play the runners at short distances, showing the enemy with a hail of arrows and the most murderous spells from the arsenal. Fortunately, the lack of "friendly fire" only has.
The network regime is organized by approximately the same principle as in the long -standing "damned lands". A similar scheme today is guided by some MMORPG, like Guild Wars or Vindictus. There is a city – a non -war zone in which each player can safely distribute skills or fill a backpack with everything necessary for the campaign. He plays the role of a kind of "lobby". You can leave the city only on a task – by joining the already created game or organizing your own.
The most cheerful type of game is cooperative passage. It is a special campaign of seven missions, each of which becomes available only after passing the previous. It is impossible to play at a level that you have not yet reached, but to recall already passed is easily. Experience pours a river, money too, especially if you go through the solo campaign. However, some missions can not be passed alone – not because the monsters are too strong, there are simply puzzles at the levels that require the participation of several people. For example, buttons in different ends of the hall, which need to be kept by pressed so that someone can go into the opening door.
Having accumulated ten thousand coins (which in the mode of cooperative adventure does not take much time), you can buy the earth, thereby discovering a new type of game called the "village". Management of its own estate is very reminiscent of the castle control at Neverwinter Nights 2. We invest money, build buildings and fulfill the instructions of the headman so that the inhabitants are satisfied. And the village, in turn, slowly invests money in us, bringing a stable income.
The modes of the game like the “Arena”, “Tournament” and “Crystal hunting” does not make sense – everything is said in the name. Variations on the topic of Deathmatch are alive and will live – unless in the latter case the team that gathered most of all the crystals of Verita scattered across the field wins.
Good memory
The main trouble Two Worlds II is by no means in the "even" dungeons of a single game and not in linear tasks. In the world created by Reality Pump, I do not just want to play, but live, but it seems that the developers themselves are actively interfering with this.
They created a huge world, divided it into unique areas, added beautiful cities, but forgot to somehow tie a hero to them. Having passed the initial tasks, we will leave the savannah forever-except somehow later, after passing the main plot branch, we will return to win at the races. On the stunningly beautiful streets of the new Ashos, we will not be delayed practically nothing. The plot will quickly lead us outside the city, and then from the island in general. Swamps, striking in their atmosphere and elaborate history, are nothing more than a run from one corner of the card to another, with parallel to the destruction of the entire oncoming undead. I would really like to have a reason to linger somewhere, to rummage at night on the chests and pockets of careless citizens, to give a couple of concerts in the tavern-but the quickly ending list of tasks drags the hero further.
The developers wrote excellent texts, but forgot to add dialogs. The options for answers in almost any conversation come down to “take the task” or “not to take tasks” – in the best traditions of Japanese role -playing games. Yes, in many missions there is a choice, but it is also represented only by two (at best – three) response options. Which, moreover, is not enough for what you influence is the plot of lines, and whatever you choose, it will still go further along the rolled.
The developers provide the player with a huge set of opportunities for a pleasant pastime in this game, but you will have to look for them on your own. And preferably even when the plot stops pulling the ears forward – the “free game” is provided here after the completion of the main storyline.
• • •
"Two Worlds 2" – the very case when you can’t see the trees of the forest. The game has a lot of honed and shine elements, but together they are not linked to each other. Instead of a clear, intelligible story and slow velocity into the world – a quick kaleidoscope of events leading to the final video.
The second part is far away from its predecessor. Most of the bugs disappeared, an egregious imbalance disappeared, interesting dialogs appeared … In the world now there really is something to do. The potential of the game is very large, but before the title of masterpiece she still needs to grow.
- vast and very beautiful open spaces
- an abundance of roles in which the main character is brought to act
- Spell Designer
I would like:
- more diverse tasks
- Opportunities to at least influence something in dialogs
Verdict: Amazing graphics, interesting texts, a huge set of possibilities. But all this-against the background of tasks such as “go-bay” and a lubricated storyline, galloping a player pulling the player around the world. Here really – the trees are gorgeous, but the forests are not seen behind them.
Writing the passage of Two Worlds II does not make sense – the developers did everything possible so that no one had problems with this. The powerful map of the protagonist marks the goal of absolutely any task by marker. Thus, even if this task itself implies the need to comb the area and track someone down, do not worry-you don’t have to watch anything and follow you, you just need to go up to the appropriate mark.
There are no problems in conducting dialogue either. The hero copes well himself, passing the control of the player only at the moments of a simple and obvious choice – which award or whose side to accept. With rare exceptions, you can choose anything – in the future it still does not come around.
This is interesting: The most striking exception to you will meet in the third chapter, the action of which takes place in the tops. Having supported one of the parties to the conflict, you will reduce the time of passing the chapter to half an hour, while the other side will drive you along the swamps of good several hours. But the plot subtleties of this episode are more interesting to recognize.
Much more difficult to understand the local role system. There are numerous combat skills, and craftsmen, and a cunning system for creating spells, and just a breakthrough not always obvious mini-games. The first part played in the first part are involuntarily confused from unusual novelty. And those who did not play will shock the abundance of opportunities falling on the character literally from the start.
Mounting installers
New designers of objects, potions and spells will be one of the first things that the “two worlds 2” will introduce the player. However, to explain how to handle these very designers, no one will bother in the game. But not everything in them is so simple and clearly.
Entertaining cooking
The easiest way to deal with the local alchemical system. A whole section in the inventory is allocated to the alchemical boiler, where all found in chests, selected from the ground and carved from monsters, are stored. Each such ingredient has a certain effect: some restore life or mana, others temporarily improve characteristics, thirdly enhance or extend the effect of an elixir, in which they are used. We take and throw products with the desired effect in the desired concentration – here the potion is ready.
In no case should you mix in one boiler reagents with different effects! Only one will remain in the finished potion – from the reagent, which flew into the boiler. We will not be able to create a drug that protects against fire and at the same time restores mana or increases the hero and strength, and accuracy, despite all the tempting of this scenario. All these improvements are achieved only separately, with different coats. One potion is one action, and nothing else.
Leaving no extra details
Craftsmen in "Two Worlds" are a little more complicated than alchemy. Two technological processes – disassembling the subject and its improvement.
The first is that we take a sword (an ax, onion, armor, staff – anything) and the mouse with a wave of the mouse we disassemble it to the components. We will have to carry out such “technological processing” regularly – weapons, armor and magical accessories occupy a lot of space in the inventory, but resources for the mysterious reason are weightless and incorporeal. Therefore, when the trophies knocked out of the monsters will begin to pour from the hero from the backpack – here either the merchant look for or let the miracles of enemy equipment on scrap metal, firewood and rags.
But not weightlessness of one value is valuable. Almost every item used, whether it is a weapon, a magical staff or armor of any cut, can be improved. The procedure is no more difficult to disassemble: we spend a certain number of these resources – we increase the level of the subject per one. This will not only improve the characteristics of the object, but, perhaps, will add a special cell to him where you can insert a magic crystal. Save crystals without fear – in order to return the pebble back in the future, just disassemble the enchanted thing. It's a pity, resources invested in improvement, during disassembly will not return.
Note: If there is so much iron, wooden planks and steel ingots in your inventory, there will be so much to accumulate that at least open the building materials store, then with the skin, fabric and other sewing accessories will be worse. The fact is that the weapon from the enemy is almost always selected, accumulates quickly and goes to disassemble in whole batches, but the armor and magic robes are a scarce thing, and they are better than the use of.
Dragon Poker
But in the magical system of the "two worlds 2" at first glance, the devil will break the devil himself. Although in practice it is not so difficult to master it.
To create a spell, you need a magic amulet, which we will fill with scrolls with spells. The magic amulet is capable of accommodating from two to seven scrolls – but such extremes are extremely rare. Mostly exactly three spells climb into the amulet. Each spell, in turn, consists of a stack of cards.
The first card is called embodiment. It determines how the spell will act – whether it will be a charge flying at a certain speed, or maybe it will act on the area around the hero, or will arrange a trap in the indicated place … Yes, at least the altar that imposes the spell in the ground stuck – there would be a corresponding card.
The second card – impact. And she sets precisely what the type of magical effect. It is also difficult to complain about the lack of exposure cards – ice, wind, water, flame, spirit, poison, decomposition, power and many other others.
Some simple spells can be created only with the help of these two cards, but they will act weak and, most likely, completely different from you want. We will carry out the thin tuning of the spell using cards called transformation cards. Six types are provided, and the effect they have simply a striking.
- Damage transformation , as the name implies, determines whether the spell will cause damage. If the scroll does not contain a damage card, then we will turn out to be relatively peaceful – for example, a charge of fire will blind the enemy, without causing damage, and the poisonous trap will work as an antidote.
- Preference transformation applicable only for scrolls with a “charge” incarnation map. The use of this card will lead to the fact that the charge will pursue the goal.
- Transformation of reflection , which can also be attached only to the "charge", leads to the fact that the charge begins to reflect from the purpose. There are several cards to the scroll at once – each of them will increase the number of ricochet.
- Dispersion conversion – The third transformation, characteristic only for the "charges". It forces the charge to divide into several separate beams. As in the case of reflection cards, the number of scattering cards in the scroll can be increased – the number of beams will increase, which will split the charge.
- Time transformation , Unlike the three previous ones, applicable for spells with a “spell” incarnation map. If this modifier is present in a scroll, the spell will act for some time. Time increases directly in proportion to the number of cards of this type, filed to the spell.
- Transformation of protection can only be applied to the "spells", and not to all, but only to those that already contain one or more time transformations. After the application of this modifier, the spell will begin to provide not only a harmless, but also a purely positive effect. For example, if the spells of fire stretched over time create a light source, then the spell of fire stretched in time and created to protect, increase the resistance of the fire.
Let us recall once again that spells climb into the amulet a few pieces, and imagine that we can push there. From the imbalance, such a system is saved by the fact that the more scrolls we are in the amulet and the more difficult each of them, the more time it will take to pronounce such a formula and the more mana it will burn out. However, magicians in the game are still expanded – not combat, so at least creative.
Tooth for a tooth
However, to say that lovers of frontal attacks and fights in the chest were infringed in rights, it is impossible with all the desire. Unfortunately, no one will give the design of new types of weapons to the warrior, but those that are available are enough with his head.
All close -up weapons can be classified by two signs – by size and type. By the size of the tools of heroic labor are divided into one -handed And two -handed , By type – on Swords , Bulavs , axes And Initial weapons. Standing apart daggers -They hang out quietly on their belt and pull out mainly in order to stick them to someone in the back of the head. Front -free fighting is theoretically possible, but in practice it is very difficult. Do not put the block with a short blade, do not parry the attack, and no special skills with it are not applicable. In addition, it is impossible to make a knife to battle – the hero automatically takes the dagger in his hand when he goes into a secretive movement mode, and also automatically clings to the belt when he stops stealing on the half -bent.
This is important: Even if you are not going to use the dagger for its intended purpose, do not remove it. It is better to insert some magic crystal into it, and let it telepart on his belt as additional magical support.
One -handed weapon is remarkable at once by several facts. Firstly, the hero can arm himself at once with his two copies. Secondly, except for the second blade, the left hand of our protege can also be occupied with a shield or even a torch. The latter will not only help to navigate in dark dungeons, but will also allow you to set fire to an excessively “quick -tempered” enemy, such as a mummy or a tree golem. Finally, the left hand can simply be left free.
Two -handed weapons have a much larger area of defeat, and our mercenary waves it much wider, touching several enemies at a time.
Keep in mind that different types of weapons cause different types of damage. True, in Two Miras 2, it is delicious: damage from cold weapons is divided only into a chopping and crushing. But they have an influence on the course of the battle. Do not think, for example, to wander into the dungeons, teeming with unimportant dead, with only a mace. Zombies of the tummies will tear themselves, looking at the attempts of the protagonist to instruct them to the long -dead bodies of bruises.
Rifle weapons in the game are represented only by bows. But unlike near -fight weapons, it can easily change its type of damage. You just need to equip the hero with a quino of the corresponding arrows. For hunting for non-jacket skeletons, stupid arrows that cause crushing injuries are wonderful, and it makes sense to shoot giant antaloric ants sharply sharpened.
This is important: Kolchan – the same element of equipment as weapons and armor. And it can be improved in the same way, insert crystals into it and disassemble it on spare parts.
You can’t drink talent
The division of characters into warriors and magicians, we remind, is quite conditional, the character’s capabilities are limited only to his physical characteristics and a set of skills The character has four characteristics – Endurance, strength, accuracy And willpower.
- Endurance Absolutely any character will come in handy. With an increase in this characteristic, the amount of maximum vital energy is growing – once, the maximum volume of inventory increases – two. And if the “thickness” of the character’s health strip does not excite everyone (for example, the arrow of the enemies will only see from the flight of the boom), then the opportunity to push in a backpack there will not be more extraction for anyone. Traders in distant wanderings will not be found as often as we would like, but to disassemble expensive artifacts to spare parts sometimes simply squandering.
- Power – obviously, the main attribute of the hero who relies on the near battle. High values of force will allow the use of more weighty in hand -to -hand combat – more precisely, weighty – arguments. In addition, each point of characteristics, invested by force, will add some value to the damage applied in close combat. And if at first this increase is insignificant, then over time it will reach three, or even four-digit values.
- Accuracy – analogue of force for shooters. Allows you to use advanced bows and "professional" arrows and gives an increase to damage applied by small arms.
- Willpower – Priority characteristic for the magician. It not only increases damage from any spells, but also increases the maximum supply of mana. In addition, the magician will often need to work with the designer of the spells – and in this lesson, will also help him willpower, which determines the maximum level of skills of the “magic” branch.
From now on, the skills themselves study purely by camouflager books-teachers have sunk into oblivion. Textbooks can be bought from any merchant – although it is quite natural that in the shop for archers of books on shooting art there will be more than magical preparation.
The path of samurai
Military skills are aimed at developing heroic dexterity in circulation with all kinds of hand -to -hand combat guns. Accordingly, the purpose of most skills is obvious, the benefit of destroying your neighbor on Two Worlds II is quite simple and quickly.
- Block – He is a block and there is, in a hot battle a moderately useful thing. You should not sit out in it for a long time – the block is not perfect and certainly not impenetrable – but it is also sinful to neglect them. Each level of this skill increases the amount of blocked damage. It makes sense to invest if necessary, depending on how often the hero suffers from strokes.
- Vile reception – We use only with a free left hand, which immediately sharply reduces the scope of application. With a certain probability, it blinds the enemy who fell into the defeat zone. The stronger the skill is developed, the greater the likelihood of blinding. If you fight one -handed weapon with an unoccupied left hand, it is necessary to develop. What could be better than a blind enemy? Only a dead enemy.
- Shock wave – used only with a shield or shaft weapon. An ordinary reinforced blow, even the block does not break through. The more we develop, the more intensifies. Shields and spearmen make sense to take, because they have nothing more to take more.
- Onslaught – "Shock wave" used with swords. The principles of action is exactly the same.
- Fiery blow – used with one -handed weapon and torch in the left hand. We beat with a torch, cause damage to fire – the stronger the skill is developed, the more damage. The damage itself is not a fountain, but there are enemies with a vulnerability to the fire! And there are enemies with vulnerability only to the fire, and the only thing that a purebred warrior can contrast them is just the same torch.
- Blow from a turn – We apply with two -handed weapons. Not the famous hit of Chuck Norris, of course, but still useful and effective. At once so much space is organized! And if it is developed until it stops, then the damage will also be applied. The first skill for any fighter, two -handed in any case.
- Stunning – The skill of a pinnone. If we are going to wave the maces, we develop, if not waving, then to develop without use. Each new level of skill increases the likelihood of stunning the enemy.
- Shield knocking out – works only with axes. This skill would be extremely useful if the shield at least somehow helped the opponents in battle. What is he, that there is no him – the pace of the murder of the enemy practically does not change, it does not make sense to accelerate the process.
- Blocking – very, very useful thing. Once under a hail of blows, the enemy often goes into a deaf block-here we will provide him with a gift. The higher the skill, the more “gifts” will cause damage. We develop necessarily and diligently.
- Mental blow – causes damage to all opponents around the protagonist, and even with the probability of stunning, growing as the skill develops. Damage is much weaker than when hit from a turn, but it is used with any weapon.
- Climbing from the feet – acts only on people. With a certain probability, the enemy is on the floor, after which it can be finished with one blow of shaft weapons or sword. Also a useful thing – it’s a pity, the chance to tie is quite low, even if you develop the skill well.
- Counterattack – By pressing the attack button immediately after the enemy hit our block, we will conduct a powerful counterattack. A very beautiful and very useful thing – the main thing is to have time to apply it in time.
The world's first archer
Rifle skills in the Two Worlds 2 cover the widest range of tasks. There are attacks from a relatively close distance, and all kinds of spontaneous damage, and, of course, ordinary __ fare of the enemy from a safe distance.
- Hail of arrows – The ultimate skill of the archer – produces from two to eleven arrows (depending on the level of development of the skill), each of which causes 75% of ordinary damage. Arrows fly a fan, but if you get the enemy closer, you can put the entire sheaf into its carcass at once. Not everyone can survive this.
- Emphael shooting – increases the damage caused by aiming. Aiming target (by default – X ) is used quite rarely. It turns off the automatic focus on the nearest enemy and increases the size of the sight. Aiming manually is quite inconvenient, therefore there is no sense to develop the skill of special.
- Concentration – If you activate the “hail of arrows” in the target firing mode, pull the bowstring and, without letting go, mark several goals with the right button, the arrows will fly strictly in the direction of the marked targets. The number of goals that can be marked depends on the level of development of the skill. Alas, there is almost never a place for such manipulations almost never.
- Simple shot – increases the initial tension of the bowstring. The stronger the bowstring is stretched from the very beginning, the less it should be pulled to the stop and the greater damage will be caused when shooting “offhand” – Everything is simple. Archers without it anywhere.
- Fast shot – increases onion tension. It is simply impossible to overestimate. As with the previous skill – if you decide to play with a shooter, then develop and develop ..
- Powerful shot – increases the maximum tension limit of the bowstring and, as a result, the maximum damage. The third mandatory skill necessary for every arrow.
- Critical hit – increases the likelihood of causing critical damage when firing. At the limit of the development of the skill, to knock out of the enemy of the nonsense will be every tenth shot. Than not the choice of a real sniper?
- Fire arrow – In addition to causing very considerable damage (in addition, growing as the skill develops), so this damage is also spontaneous. And there are a lot of monsters vulnerable to fire in the game.
- Ice arrow – The value of this thing is not so much in damage (although in it too) as in a significant slowdown in the enemy. Slowing someone in a narrow aisle, the archer will create a very cute landfill, which can be safely fired without leaving the place.
- Distracting arrow – creates a phantom that begins to fight with the enemy for some time, and falling away, causes slight damage. Good thing, but you can only shoot from the target shooting mode, and there is usually no time to switch to it in a fever of battle. Eh, Garrette would be such arrows ..
- Poisoned arrow – It is also used only from the target shooting mode. Very many opponents have poison immunity, so that of all the arrows this is the most useless.
Wonderworker and monsters
Well, actually, the magician, whose strength is in the designer of the spells. Accordingly, the skills of the magician are aimed at improving the quality of the created spells.
- The magic of air, the magic of fire, the magic of water, the magic of the earth and necromancy – The names say for themselves. The levels of development increase the number of cards of the corresponding school, which can be used to create spells. It is important not to focus on any one school of magic, otherwise sooner or later you will come across an enemy protected from it, and you will fight off him only as a staff and hat.
- Wisdom – increases the maximum number of transformation cards in the amulet. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of these cards, respectively, and the skill of the magician must be developed until it stops.
- Vorozhba – reduces the time to pronounce spells. It will come in handy always and everywhere, the more complicated the spells are going to use, the more noticeable the effect.
- Mana restoration – just increases mana regeneration rate. You will have to develop to the stop, but even then it will not always be enough to grab it.
- Call – opens the possibilities of calling creatures, installing traps and altars. The development of the skill determines the number of objects that can be materialized. Called monsters are certainly useful, everything else is for an amateur.
- Mysticism – Reduces mana consumption. As well as “restoration of mana”, is subject to development to the end.
- Knowledge – increase the number of incarnation maps used. It is certainly useful – everything that helps create new spells is very valuable in the game.
And so on, and so on
Pocket thefts And Hacking locks represented by mini-players, which will not be difficult to figure out. Castles, however, can not be hacked – they are perfectly opened with a properly composed spell or are knocked down with a good weapon.
Note: The success of the theft on the player’s actions does not depend at all – only on good luck. Stay.
Mini-games also include horse racing on the savannah. The process of riding is to regularly spur the horse – the vile animal refuses to jump on its own, – while following not to drive it completely. If the horse is not kicking in the sides for too long, it will begin to slow down. If you kick it too often, the cup of patience of the riding beast will overflow and it will drop the hero.
There are five varieties in the game musical instruments: drum, lira, flute, guitar and violin (in the order of increasing complexity of development). The principle of playing on them is similar to some Frets on Fire-you need to press the buttons in accordance with the chords or single notes. Melodies for the drum and lira consist only of single notes, for flute – of some chords, but the guitar and violin are a crazy alternation of both – the true gymnastics for the fingers.
It is recommended to play on the streets, in taverns, on the squares – in general, wherever you can collect a crowd around you. In this case, for good execution of music, you will throw money to you. Also, other musicians often hang out in the taverns, with whom you can play a duet – and the profit will be more significant, and the musical path will become a little easier.
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The transfer of the main surprises awaiting you in Antalore has come to an end. We can only wish you good luck in mastering this beautiful in many ways of the world and remind you so that you do not allow you to spoil your pleasure from good games. Success!
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